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RenderCV: User Guide

This document provides everything you need to know about the usage of RenderCV.


RenderCV doesn't require a \LaTeX installation; it comes with it!

  1. Install Python (3.10 or newer).

  2. Run the command below to install RenderCV.

pip install rendercv


python -m pip install rendercv

Generating the input file

To get started, navigate to the directory where you want to create your CV and run the command below to create the input file.

rendercv new "Your Full Name"


python -m rendercv new "Your Full Name"

This will create a YAML input file for RenderCV called Your_Name_CV.yaml. Open this file in your favorite IDE and start editing.

!!! tip

To maximize your productivity while editing the input YAML file, set up RenderCV's JSON Schema in your IDE. It will validate your inputs on the fly and give auto-complete suggestions.

=== "Visual Studio Code"

    1.  Install [YAML language support]( extension.
    2.  Then the Schema will be automatically set up because the file ends with `_CV.yaml`.

=== "Other"

    1.  Ensure your editor of choice has support for JSON Schema.
    2.  Add the following line at the top of `Your_Name_CV.yaml`:

        ``` yaml
        # yaml-language-server: $schema=

The YAML structure of the input file

RenderCV's input file consists of two parts: cv and design.


The cv part contains only the content of the CV, and the design part contains only the design options of the CV. That's how the design and content are separated.

"cv" section of the YAML input

The cv section of the YAML input starts with generic information, as shown below:

  name: John Doe
  location: Your Location
  phone: tel:+90-541-999-99-99
    - network: LinkedIn
      username: yourusername
    - network: GitHub
      username: yourusername

None of the values above are required. You can omit any or all of them, and RenderCV will adapt to your input.

The main content of your CV is stored in a field called sections.

  name: John Doe
  location: Your Location
  phone: tel:+90-541-999-99-99
    - network: LinkedIn
      username: yourusername
    - network: GitHub
      username: yourusername

The sections field is a dictionary where the keys are the section titles, and the values are lists. Each item of the list is an entry for that section.

Here is an example:

      - This is a TextEntry.
      - This is another TextEntry under the same section.
      - This is another another TextEntry under the same section.
      - company: This time it's an ExperienceEntry.
        position: Your position
        start_date: 2019-01-01
        end_date: 2020-01
        location: TX, USA
          - This is a highlight (bullet point).
          - This is another highlight.
      - company: Another ExperienceEntry.
        position: Your position
        start_date: 2019-01-01
        end_date: 2020-01-10
        location: TX, USA
          - This is a highlight (bullet point).
          - This is another highlight.

There are six different entry types in RenderCV. Different types of entries cannot be mixed under the same section, so for each section, you can only use one type of entry.

The available entry types are: EducationEntry, ExperienceEntry, PublicationEntry, NormalEntry, OneLineEntry, and TextEntry.

Each entry type is a different object (a dictionary). All of the entry types and their corresponding look in each built-in theme are shown below:

{% for entry_name, entry in showcase_entries.items() %}

{{ entry_name }}

{{ entry["yaml"] }}
{% for figure in entry["figures"] %}

{{ figure["theme"] }} theme: ![figure["alt_text"]]({{ figure["path"] }}) {% endfor %} {% endfor %}

"design" section of the YAML input

The cv part of the input contains your content, and the design part contains your design. The design part starts with a theme name. Currently, there are three built-in themes (classic, sb2nov, and moderncv), but custom themes can also be used (see below.)

  theme: classic

Each theme has different options for design. classic and sb2nov almost use identical options, but moderncv is slightly different. Please use an IDE that supports JSON schema to avoid missing any available options for the theme (see above).

An example design part for a classic theme is shown below:

  theme: classic
  color: rgb(0,79,144)
  disable_page_numbering: false
  font_size: 10pt
  header_font_size: 30 pt
  page_numbering_style: NAME - Page PAGE_NUMBER of TOTAL_PAGES
  page_size: a4paper
  show_last_updated_date: true
  text_alignment: justified
      bottom: 2 cm
      left: 1.24 cm
      right: 1.24 cm
      top: 2 cm
      bottom: 0.2 cm
      top: 0.2 cm
      date_and_location_width: 4.1 cm
      left_and_right: 0.2 cm
      vertical_between: 0.12 cm
      left: 0.4 cm
      top: 0.10 cm
      vertical_between_bullet_points: 0.10 cm
      bottom: 0.2 cm
      horizontal_between_connections: 1.5 cm
      vertical_between_name_and_connections: 0.2 cm

Using custom themes

RenderCV allows you to move your \LaTeX CV code to RenderCV. To do this, you will need to create some files:

├── yourcustomtheme
│   ├── Preamble.j2.tex
│   ├── Header.j2.tex
│   ├── EducationEntry.j2.tex
│   ├── ExperienceEntry.j2.tex
│   ├── NormalEntry.j2.tex
│   ├── OneLineEntry.j2.tex
│   ├── PublicationEntry.j2.tex
│   ├── TextEntry.j2.tex
│   ├── SectionBeginning.j2.tex
│   └── SectionEnding.j2.tex
└── Your_Full_Name_CV.yaml

Each of these *.j2.tex files is \LaTeX code with some Python in it. These files allow RenderCV to create your CV out of the YAML input.

The best way to understand how they work is to look at the source code of built-in themes. For example, the content of ExperienceEntry.j2.tex for the moderncv theme is shown below:

    ((* if design.show_only_years *))
    ((* else *))
    ((* endif *))
((* for item in entry.highlights *))
\cvline{}{\small <<item>>}
((* endfor *))

The values between << and >> are the names of Python variables, allowing you to write a \\LaTeX CV without writing any content. Those will be replaced with the values found in the YAML input. Also, the values between ((* and *)) are Python blocks, allowing you to use loops and conditional statements.

The process of generating \\LaTeX files like this is called "templating," and it's achieved with a Python package called Jinja.

Creating custom theme options

If you want to have some design options under your YAML input file's design section for your custom theme, you can create a file inside your theme directory.

For example, an file is shown below:

from typing import Literal

import pydantic

class YourcustomthemeThemeOptions(pydantic.BaseModel):
    theme: Literal["yourcustomtheme"]
    option1: str
    option2: str
    option3: int
    option4: bool

Then, RenderCV will parse your custom design options from the YAML input, and you can use these variables inside your *.j2.tex files as shown below:

((* if design.option4 *))
((* endif *))