modified tb and still broken

This commit is contained in:
Eric Yu 2024-01-19 13:37:00 -08:00
parent 8b9767a941
commit fd185eafdf

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@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ begin
v_pulsetime := v_ndata32 + (NADDR*(1024+32));
v_timefactor := 1.0;
v_gainfactor := 2.0;
v_wavestartaddr := 0;
v_wavesteps := (NADDR+1)*32;
v_wavetopwidth := 0; -- TODO: EricToGeoff/Sara: in the real settings do we have a case of no flat top?
v_wavestartaddr := NADDR + v_wavesteps; -- TODO: EricToGeoff/Sara: I assume we want starting address of each wave to be different and non-overlapping, right?
v_wavesteps := 1;
v_wavetopwidth := 0;
-- cpu_write_pulsedef(clk, NADDR*4, v_ndata32 + (NADDR*(1024+32)), 1.0, 1.0, 0, NADDR*32, 128, cpu_sel, cpu_wr, cpu_addr, cpu_wdata);
cpu_write_pulsedef(clk, NADDR*4, v_pulsetime, v_timefactor, v_gainfactor, v_wavestartaddr, v_wavesteps, v_wavetopwidth, cpu_sel, cpu_wr, cpu_addr, cpu_wdata);
end loop;