
144 lines
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# Every modern Python package today has a `pyproject.toml` file. It is a Python
# standard. `pyproject.toml` file contains all the metadata about the package. It also
# includes the dependencies and required information for building the package. For more
# details, see
# If a code needs to be distributed, it might need to be compiled, or it might need to
# be bundled with other files. This process of making a code ready for distribution is
# called building.
# Python packages need to be built too, even though they are not compiled (mostly). At
# the end of the building process, a source Distribution Package, `sdist`, is created.
# This sdist is a compressed archive of the source code, and it is ready to be uploaded
# to PyPI. See
# To build RenderCV, we need to specify which build package we want to use. There are
# many build packages like `setuptools`, `flit`, `poetry`, `hatchling`, etc. We will use
# `hatchling`.
requires = ["hatchling==1.21.1"] # Our dependency to build RenderCV
# Python has a standard object format called build-backend object. Python standard asks
# this object to have some specific methods that do a specific job. For example, it
# should have a method called `build_wheel` that builds a wheel file. We use hatchling
# to build RenderCV, and hatchling's build-backend object is ``.
# See
build-backend = "" # A build-backend object for building RenderCV
# We will use hatchling to generate the version number of RenderCV. It will go to the
# `path` below and get the version number from there.
# See
path = "rendercv/"
# In the sdist package, what do we want to include and exclude? For example, we don't
# want to include `docs` and `tests` because they are not needed to run RenderCV.
include = ["/", "/rendercv"]
# We use tinytex-release as a git submodule, so it's a seperate repository. We don't
# want to ship all the files from that repository with RenderCV.
exclude = [
# Under the `project` section, we specify the metadata about RenderCV.
name = 'rendercv'
description = 'A LaTeX CV/resume framework'
dynamic = [
] # We will use hatchling to generate the version number
authors = [{ name = 'Sina Atalay', email = '' }]
requires-python = '>=3.10'
readme = ""
# RenderCV depends on these packages. They will be installed automatically when RenderCV
# is installed:
dependencies = [
'Jinja2==3.1.4', # to generate LaTeX and Markdown files
'phonenumbers==8.13.37', # to validate phone numbers
'email-validator==2.1.1', # to validate email addresses
'pydantic==2.7.1', # to validate and parse the input file
'pydantic-extra-types==2.7.0', # to validate some extra types
'ruamel.yaml==0.18.6', # to parse YAML files
'typer==0.12.3', # to create the command-line interface
"markdown==3.6", # to convert Markdown to HTML
"PyMuPDF==1.24.4", # to convert PDF files to images
classifiers = [
"Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
"Intended Audience :: Education",
"Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: LaTeX",
"Topic :: Printing",
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
] # go to to see all classifiers
# Here, we can specify the URLs related to RenderCV. They will be listed under the
# "Project links" section in PyPI. See
Documentation = ''
Source = ''
# Here, we specify the entry points of RenderCV.
# See
# See
# The key and value below mean this: If someone installs RenderCV, then running
# `rendercv` in the terminal will run the function `app` in the module `__main__` in the
# package `rendercv`.
rendercv = 'rendercv.__main__:app'
# RenderCV depends on other packages. However, some of these packages are not required
# to run RenderCV, but they are required to develop RenderCV. For example, to build the
# documentation of RenderCV, we need to install some packages. However, not all the
# users of RenderCV will build the documentation, so these are optional dependencies.
docs = [
"mkdocs-material==9.5.24", # to build docs
"mkdocstrings-python==1.10.3", # to build reference documentation from docstrings
"pdfCropMargins==2.1.3", # to generate entry figures for the documentation
"pillow==10.3.0", # lock the dependency of pdfCropMargins
"mkdocs-macros-plugin==1.0.5", # to be able to have dynamic content in the documentation
tests = [
"pytest==8.2.1", # to run the tests
"coverage==7.5.1", # to generate coverage reports
"time-machine==2.14.1", # to select an arbitrary date and time for testing
"pypdf==4.2.0", # to read PDF files
dev = [
"ruff==0.4.5", # to lint the code
"black==24.4.2", # to format the code
# RenderCV uses different tools to check the code quality, format the code, build the
# documentation, build the package, etc. We can specify the settings for these tools in
# `pyproject.toml` file under `[tool.name_of_the_tool]` so that new contributors can use
# these tools easily. Generally, popular IDEs grab these settings from `pyproject.toml`
# file automatically.
line-length = 88 # maximum line length
preview = true # to allow enable-unstable-feature
enable-unstable-feature = [
] # breaking strings into multiple lines
source = ['rendercv']
# use relative paths instead of absolute paths, this is useful for combining coverage
# reports from different OSes:
relative_files = true
# don't include jinja templates in the coverage report:
omit = ["*.j2.*", "rendercv/"]