
282 lines
9.3 KiB

import tempfile
import pathlib
import importlib
import importlib.machinery
import importlib.util
import io
import os
import sys
import shutil
from typing import Any
import pdfCropMargins
import ruamel.yaml
import pypdfium2
# Import rendercv. I import the data_models and renderer modules like this instead
# of using `import rendercv` because in order for that to work, the current working
# directory must be the root of the project. To make it convenient for the user, I
# import the modules using the full path of the files.
rendercv_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / "rendercv"
# Import the rendercv.data_models as dm:
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
"rendercv.data_models", rendercv_path / ""
dm = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) # type: ignore
spec.loader.exec_module(dm) # type: ignore
# Import the rendercv.renderer as r:
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
"rendercv.renderer", rendercv_path / ""
r = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) # type: ignore
spec.loader.exec_module(r) # type: ignore
# Import the rendercv.cli as cli:
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("rendercv.cli", rendercv_path / "")
cli = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) # type: ignore
spec.loader.exec_module(cli) # type: ignore
# The entries below will be pasted into the documentation as YAML, and their
# corresponding figures will be generated with this script.
education_entry = {
"institution": "Boğaziçi University",
"location": "Istanbul, Turkey",
"degree": "BS",
"area": "Mechanical Engineering",
"start_date": "2015-09",
"end_date": "2020-06",
"highlights": [
"GPA: 3.24/4.00 ([Transcript](",
"Awards: Dean's Honor List, Sportsperson of the Year",
experience_entry = {
"company": "Some Company",
"location": "TX, USA",
"position": "Software Engineer",
"start_date": "2020-07",
"end_date": "2021-08-12",
"highlights": [
"Developed an [IOS application]( that has received"
" more than **100,000 downloads**."
"Managed a team of **5** engineers.",
normal_entry = {
"name": "Some Project",
"location": "Remote",
"date": "2021-09",
"highlights": [
"Developed a web application with **React** and **Django**.",
"Implemented a **RESTful API**",
publication_entry = {
"title": (
"Magneto-Thermal Thin Shell Approximation for 3D Finite Element Analysis of"
" No-Insulation Coils"
"authors": ["John Doe", "Harry Tom", "Sina Doe", "Anotherfirstname Andsurname"],
"date": "2021-12-08",
"journal": "IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity",
"doi": "10.1109/TASC.2023.3340648",
one_line_entry = {
"name": "Programming",
"details": "Python, C++, JavaScript, MATLAB",
text_entry = (
"This is a *TextEntry*. It is only a text and can be useful for sections like"
" **Summary**. To showcase the TextEntry completely, this sentence is added, but it"
" doesn't contain any information."
def dictionary_to_yaml(dictionary: dict[str, Any]):
"""Converts a dictionary to a YAML string.
dictionary (dict[str, Any]): The dictionary to be converted to YAML.
str: The YAML string.
yaml_object = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
yaml_object.width = 60
yaml_object.indent(mapping=2, sequence=4, offset=2)
with io.StringIO() as string_stream:
yaml_object.dump(dictionary, string_stream)
yaml_string = string_stream.getvalue()
return yaml_string
def define_env(env):
# see
entries = [
entries_showcase = dict()
for entry in entries:
proper_entry_name = entry.replace("_", " ").title()
entries_showcase[proper_entry_name] = {
"yaml": dictionary_to_yaml(eval(entry)),
"figures": [
"path": f"assets/images/{theme}/{entry}.png",
"alt_text": f"{proper_entry_name} in {theme}",
"theme": theme,
for theme in dm.available_themes
env.variables["showcase_entries"] = entries_showcase
def generate_entry_figures():
"""Generate an image for each entry type and theme."""
# Generate PDF figures for each entry type and theme
entries = {
"education_entry": dm.EducationEntry(**education_entry),
"experience_entry": dm.ExperienceEntry(**experience_entry),
"normal_entry": dm.NormalEntry(**normal_entry),
"publication_entry": dm.PublicationEntry(**publication_entry),
"one_line_entry": dm.OneLineEntry(**one_line_entry),
"text_entry": f'"{text_entry}',
themes = dm.available_themes
pdf_assets_directory = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "assets" / "images"
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temporary_directory:
# create a temporary directory:
temporary_directory_path = pathlib.Path(temporary_directory)
for theme in themes:
for entry_type, entry in entries.items():
design_dictionary = {
"theme": theme,
"disable_page_numbering": True,
"show_last_updated_date": False,
if theme == "moderncv":
# moderncv theme does not support these options:
del design_dictionary["disable_page_numbering"]
del design_dictionary["show_last_updated_date"]
# Create the data model with only one section and one entry
data_model = dm.RenderCVDataModel(
"cv": dm.CurriculumVitae(sections={entry_type: [entry]}),
"design": design_dictionary,
# Render:
latex_file_path = r.generate_latex_file_and_copy_theme_files(
data_model, temporary_directory_path
pdf_file_path = r.latex_to_pdf(latex_file_path)
# Prepare the output directory and file path:
output_directory = pdf_assets_directory / theme
output_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
output_pdf_file_path = output_directory / f"{entry_type}.pdf"
# Remove the file if it exists:
if output_pdf_file_path.exists():
# Crop the margins
# Convert pdf to an image
image_name = output_pdf_file_path.with_suffix(".png")
pdf = pypdfium2.PdfDocument(str(output_pdf_file_path.absolute()))
page = pdf[0]
image = page.render(scale=5).to_pil()
# If the image exists, remove it
if image_name.exists():
# Remove the pdf file
def generate_examples():
"""Generate example YAML and PDF files."""
examples_directory_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / "examples"
themes = dm.available_themes
for theme in themes:
cli.cli_command_new("John Doe", theme)
yaml_file_path = examples_directory_path / "John_Doe_CV.yaml"
# Rename John_Doe_CV.yaml:
proper_theme_name = theme.replace("_", " ").title() + "Theme"
new_yaml_file_path = (
examples_directory_path / f"John_Doe_{proper_theme_name}_CV.yaml"
if new_yaml_file_path.exists():
yaml_file_path = new_yaml_file_path
# Generate the PDF file:
output_pdf_file = (
examples_directory_path / "rendercv_output" / "John_Doe_CV.pdf"
# Move pdf file to the examples directory:
new_pdf_file_path = examples_directory_path / f"{yaml_file_path.stem}.pdf"
if new_pdf_file_path.exists():
# Remove the rendercv_output directory:
rendercv_output_directory = examples_directory_path / "rendercv_output"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# generate_examples()