
239 lines
7.3 KiB

import math
import filecmp
import shutil
import pytest
import jinja2
import time_machine
from rendercv import renderer as r
from rendercv import data_models as dm
"value, something, match_str, expected",
("Hello World", "textbf", None, "\\textbf{Hello World}"),
("Hello World", "textbf", "World", "Hello \\textbf{World}"),
("Hello World", "textbf", "Universe", "Hello World"),
("", "textbf", "Universe", ""),
("Hello World", "textbf", "", "Hello World"),
def test_make_matched_part_something(value, something, match_str, expected):
result = r.make_matched_part_something(value, something, match_str)
assert result == expected
"value, match_str, expected",
("Hello World", None, "\\textbf{Hello World}"),
("Hello World", "World", "Hello \\textbf{World}"),
("Hello World", "Universe", "Hello World"),
("", "Universe", ""),
("Hello World", "", "Hello World"),
def test_make_matched_part_bold(value, match_str, expected):
result = r.make_matched_part_bold(value, match_str)
assert result == expected
"value, match_str, expected",
("Hello World", None, "\\underline{Hello World}"),
("Hello World", "World", "Hello \\underline{World}"),
("Hello World", "Universe", "Hello World"),
("", "Universe", ""),
("Hello World", "", "Hello World"),
def test_make_matched_part_underlined(value, match_str, expected):
result = r.make_matched_part_underlined(value, match_str)
assert result == expected
"value, match_str, expected",
("Hello World", None, "\\textit{Hello World}"),
("Hello World", "World", "Hello \\textit{World}"),
("Hello World", "Universe", "Hello World"),
("", "Universe", ""),
("Hello World", "", "Hello World"),
def test_make_matched_part_italic(value, match_str, expected):
result = r.make_matched_part_italic(value, match_str)
assert result == expected
"value, match_str, expected",
("Hello World", None, "\\mbox{Hello World}"),
("Hello World", "World", "Hello \\mbox{World}"),
("Hello World", "Universe", "Hello World"),
("", "Universe", ""),
("Hello World", "", "Hello World"),
def test_make_matched_part_non_line_breakable(value, match_str, expected):
result = r.make_matched_part_non_line_breakable(value, match_str)
assert result == expected
"name, expected",
("John Doe", "J. Doe"),
("John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt", "J. J. J. Schmidt"),
("SingleName", "SingleName"),
("", ""),
def test_abbreviate_name(name, expected):
result = r.abbreviate_name(name)
assert result == expected
"length, divider, expected",
("10pt", 2, "5.0pt"),
("15cm", 3, "5.0cm"),
("20mm", 4, "5.0mm"),
("25ex", 5, "5.0ex"),
("30em", 6, "5.0em"),
("10pt", 3, "3.33pt"),
("10pt", 4, "2.5pt"),
("0pt", 1, "0.0pt"),
def test_divide_length_by(length, divider, expected):
result = r.divide_length_by(length, divider)
assert math.isclose(
float(result[:-2]), float(expected[:-2]), rel_tol=1e-2
), f"Expected {expected}, but got {result}"
"length, divider",
[("10pt", 0), ("10pt", -1), ("invalid", 4)],
def test_invalid_divide_length_by(length, divider):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
r.divide_length_by(length, divider)
def test_setup_jinja2_environment():
env = r.setup_jinja2_environment()
# Check if the returned object is a jinja2.Environment instance
assert isinstance(env, jinja2.Environment)
# Check if the custom delimiters are correctly set
assert env.block_start_string == "((*"
assert env.block_end_string == "*))"
assert env.variable_start_string == "<<"
assert env.variable_end_string == ">>"
assert env.comment_start_string == "((#"
assert env.comment_end_string == "#))"
# Check if the custom filters are correctly set
assert "make_it_bold" in env.filters
assert "make_it_underlined" in env.filters
assert "make_it_italic" in env.filters
assert "make_it_nolinebreak" in env.filters
assert "make_it_something" in env.filters
assert "divide_length_by" in env.filters
assert "abbreviate_name" in env.filters
assert "get_an_item_with_a_specific_attribute_value" in env.filters
themes = ["classic"]
def test_generate_latex_file(tmp_path, reference_files_directory_path, theme_name):
file_name = f"{theme_name}_theme_CV.tex"
output_file_path = tmp_path / file_name
reference_file_path = reference_files_directory_path / file_name
data_model = dm.RenderCVDataModel(
cv=dm.CurriculumVitae(name=f"{theme_name} theme"),
r.generate_latex_file(data_model, tmp_path)
# Uncomment the line below to update the reference files:
# r.generate_latex_file(data_model, reference_files_directory_path)
assert filecmp.cmp(output_file_path, reference_file_path)
def test_copy_theme_files_to_output_directory(
tmp_path, reference_files_directory_path, theme_name
reference_directory_path = (
reference_files_directory_path / f"{theme_name}_theme_auxiliary_files"
r.copy_theme_files_to_output_directory(theme_name, tmp_path)
# Uncomment the line below to update the reference files:
# r.copy_theme_files_to_output_directory(
# theme_name, reference_files_directory_path / directory_name
# )
assert filecmp.dircmp(tmp_path, reference_directory_path).diff_files == []
def test_generate_latex_file_and_copy_theme_files(
tmp_path, reference_files_directory_path, theme_name
reference_directory = reference_files_directory_path / f"{theme_name}_theme_full"
data_model = dm.RenderCVDataModel(
cv=dm.CurriculumVitae(name=f"{theme_name} theme"),
r.generate_latex_file_and_copy_theme_files(data_model, tmp_path)
# Uncomment the line below to update the reference files:
# r.generate_latex_file_and_copy_theme_files(
# data_model, reference_directory
# )
assert filecmp.dircmp(tmp_path, reference_directory).diff_files == []
def test_latex_to_pdf(tmp_path, reference_files_directory_path, theme_name):
reference_directory = reference_files_directory_path / f"{theme_name}_theme_full"
reference_pdf_file_path = reference_directory / f"{theme_name}_theme_CV.pdf"
shutil.copytree(reference_directory, tmp_path, dirs_exist_ok=True)
output_pdf_file_path = r.latex_to_pdf(tmp_path / f"{theme_name}_theme_CV.tex")
# Uncomment the line below to update the reference files:
# output_pdf_file_path = r.latex_to_pdf(
# reference_directory / f"{theme_name}_theme_CV.tex"
# )
assert filecmp.cmp(output_pdf_file_path, reference_pdf_file_path)