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\vspace{8pt} My Text Entry with some \textbf{markdown} and \href{https://example.com}{links}! \vspace{8pt} My Text Entry with some \textbf{markdown} and \href{https://example.com}{links}! \section{Bullet Entries} $\vcenter{\hbox{\small$\bullet$}}$ \hspace{3pt} My Bullet Entry with some \textbf{markdown} and \href{https://example.com}{links}! $\vcenter{\hbox{\small$\bullet$}}$ \hspace{3pt} My Bullet Entry with some \textbf{markdown} and \href{https://example.com}{links}! \section{Publication Entries} \textbf{Magneto-Thermal Thin Shell Approximation for 3D Finite Element Analysis of No-Insulation Coils} -- Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item \mbox{J. Doe}, \mbox{\textbf{H. Tom}}, \mbox{S. Doe}, \mbox{A. Andsurname}\end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Magneto-Thermal Thin Shell Approximation for 3D Finite Element Analysis of No-Insulation Coils} -- Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item \mbox{J. Doe}, \mbox{\textbf{H. Tom}}, \mbox{S. Doe}, \mbox{A. Andsurname}\href{https://doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2023.3340648}{10.1109/TASC.2023.3340648}\end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Magneto-Thermal Thin Shell Approximation for 3D Finite Element Analysis of No-Insulation Coils} -- Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item \mbox{J. Doe}, \mbox{\textbf{H. Tom}}, \mbox{S. Doe}, \mbox{A. Andsurname}IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity\end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Magneto-Thermal Thin Shell Approximation for 3D Finite Element Analysis of No-Insulation Coils} -- Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item \mbox{J. Doe}, \mbox{\textbf{H. Tom}}, \mbox{S. Doe}, \mbox{A. Andsurname} \item \href{https://doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2023.3340648}{10.1109/TASC.2023.3340648} (IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity)\end{highlights} \section{Experience Entries} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Jan. 2024 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Jan. 2024 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Jan. 2024 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Jan. 2024 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Software Engineer}, Some \textbf{Company} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \section{Education Entries} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Jan. 2024 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Jan. 2024 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Jan. 2024 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Jan. 2024 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Jan. 2024 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Jan. 2024 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Jan. 2024 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Jan. 2024 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{Boğaziçi University}, BS in Mechanical Engineering -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \section{Normal Entries} \textbf{My Project} \hfill \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Jan. 2024 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Jan. 2024 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Jan. 2024 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Jan. 2024 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2015 to present \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \vspace{8pt} \textbf{My Project} -- Istanbul, Turkey \hfill Sept. 2021 \begin{highlights} \item Did this. \item Did that. \end{highlights} \section{One Line Entries} \textbf{Pro\textnormal{gram}ming:} Python, C++, JavaScript, MATLAB \end{document}