import os import filecmp import shutil import rendercv.cli as cli import rendercv.data_models as dm import pydantic import ruamel.yaml import pytest import typer.testing import time_machine def test_welcome(): cli.welcome() def test_warning(): cli.warning("This is a warning message.") def test_error(): cli.error("This is an error message.") def test_information(): cli.information("This is an information message.") def test_get_error_message_and_location_and_value_from_a_custom_error(): error_string = "('error message', 'location', 'value')" result = cli.get_error_message_and_location_and_value_from_a_custom_error( error_string ) assert result == ("error message", "location", "value") error_string = """("er'ror message", 'location', 'value')""" result = cli.get_error_message_and_location_and_value_from_a_custom_error( error_string ) assert result == ("er'ror message", "location", "value") error_string = "error message" result = cli.get_error_message_and_location_and_value_from_a_custom_error( error_string ) assert result == (None, None, None) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data_model_class, invalid_model", [ ( dm.EducationEntry, { "institution": "Boğaziçi University", "area": "Mechanical Engineering", "degree": "BS", "date": "2028-12-08", }, ), ( dm.EducationEntry, { "area": "Mechanical Engineering", "extra": "Extra", }, ), ( dm.ExperienceEntry, { "company": "CERN", }, ), ( dm.ExperienceEntry, { "position": "Researcher", }, ), ( dm.ExperienceEntry, { "company": "CERN", "position": "Researcher", "stat_date": "2023-12-08", "end_date": "INVALID END DATE", }, ), ( dm.PublicationEntry, { "doi": "10.1109/TASC.2023.3340648", }, ), ( dm.ExperienceEntry, { "authors": ["John Doe", "Jane Doe"], }, ), ( dm.OneLineEntry, { "name": "My One Line Entry", }, ), ( dm.NormalEntry, { "name": "My Entry", }, ), ( dm.CurriculumVitae, { "name": "John Doe", "sections": { "education": [ { "institution": "Boğaziçi University", "area": "Mechanical Engineering", "degree": "BS", "date": "2028-12-08", }, { "degree": "BS", }, ] }, }, ), ], ) def test_handle_validation_error(data_model_class, invalid_model): try: data_model_class(**invalid_model) except pydantic.ValidationError as e: cli.handle_validation_error(e) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "exception", [ruamel.yaml.YAMLError, RuntimeError, FileNotFoundError, ValueError], ) def test_handle_exceptions(exception): @cli.handle_exceptions def function_that_raises_exception(): raise exception("This is an exception!") function_that_raises_exception() def test_live_progress_reporter_class(): with cli.LiveProgressReporter(number_of_steps=3) as progress: progress.start_a_step("Test step 1") progress.finish_the_current_step() progress.start_a_step("Test step 2") progress.finish_the_current_step() progress.start_a_step("Test step 3") progress.finish_the_current_step() runner = typer.testing.CliRunner()"2024-01-01") def test_render_command(tmp_path, input_file_path): # copy input file to the temporary directory to create the output directory there: input_file_path = shutil.copy(input_file_path, tmp_path) result = runner.invoke(, ["render", str(input_file_path)]) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert "Your CV is rendered!" in result.stdout def test_new_command(tmp_path): # change the current working directory to the temporary directory: os.chdir(tmp_path) result = runner.invoke(, ["new", "John Doe"]) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert "Your RenderCV input file has been created" in result.stdout