add functions to terminal_reporter

This commit is contained in:
Sina Atalay 2024-02-02 19:35:27 +01:00
parent cbac4b9432
commit 89413249f9
1 changed files with 72 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,13 +1,82 @@
import time
from typing import Callable
from rich import print
def welcome():
"""Print a welcome message to the terminal.
The ASCII art is from and the font is "big".
rendercv_art = (
"[bright_white] _____ _ "
" [/bright_white][bright_blue] _____ __ __[/bright_blue]\n[bright_white]|"
" __ \\ | | [/bright_white][bright_blue] / ____|\\"
" \\ / /[/bright_blue]\n[bright_white]| |__) | ___ _ __ __| | ___ _"
" __ [/bright_white][bright_blue]| | \\ \\ / /"
" [/bright_blue]\n[bright_white]| _ / / _ \\| '_ \\ / _` | / _ \\|"
" '__|[/bright_white][bright_blue]| | \\ \\/ / "
" [/bright_blue]\n[bright_white]| | \\ \\ | __/| | | || (_| || __/| | "
" [/bright_white][bright_blue]| |____ \\ / "
" [/bright_blue]\n[bright_white]|_| \\_\\ \\___||_| |_| \\__,_| \\___||_| "
" [/bright_white][bright_blue] \\_____| \\/ [/bright_blue]"
def warning(text):
print(f"[bold yellow]⚠️:[/bold yellow] {text}")
"""Print a warning message to the terminal."""
print(f"[bold yellow]{text}[/bold yellow]")
def error(text):
print(f"[bold red]❌:[/bold red] {text}")
"""Print an error message to the terminal."""
print(f"[bold red]{text}[/bold red]")
def information(text):
print(f"[bold cyan]:[/bold cyan] {text}")
"""Print an information message to the terminal."""
def time_the_event_below(event_name: str) -> Callable:
"""Return a wrapper function that times the wrapped function.
A decorator in Python is a syntactic convenience that allows a Python to interpret
the code below:
@time_the_event_below("My event")
def my_function():
time_the_event_below("My event")(my_function)()
which is step by step equivalent to
1. Execute `#!python time_the_event_below("My event")` which will return the
function called `wrapper`.
2. Execute `#!python wrapper(my_function)`, which will return another function
called `wrapped_function`, which does some modifications to `my_function.`
3. Execute `#!python wrapped_function()`
def wrapper(function: Callable) -> Callable:
def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs):
start_time = time.time()
information(f"{event_name} has started.")
result = function(*args, **kwargs)
end_time = time.time()
f"{event_name} has finished in {end_time - start_time} seconds."
return result
return wrapped_function
return wrapper