- RenderCV is now a multilingual tool. English strings can be overridden with `locale_catalog` section in the YAML input file ([#26](https://github.com/sinaatalay/rendercv/issues/26), [#20](https://github.com/sinaatalay/rendercv/pull/20)). See the [documentation](https://docs.rendercv.com/user_guide/structure_of_the_yaml_input_file/#locale_catalog-section-of-the-yaml-input) for more information.
- PNG files for each page can be generated now ([#57](https://github.com/sinaatalay/rendercv/issues/57)).
-`rendercv new` command now generates Markdown and LaTeX source files in addition to the YAML input file so that the default templates can be modified easily.
- A new CLI command has been added, `rendercv create-theme`, to allow users to create their own themes easily.
- [A developer guide](https://docs.rendercv.com/developer_guide/) has been written.
- New options have been added to the `rendercv render` command:
-`--output-folder-name "OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME"`: Generates the output files in a folder with the given name. By default, the output folder name is `rendercv_output`. The output folder will be created in the current working directory. ([#58](https://github.com/sinaatalay/rendercv/issues/58))
-`--latex-path LATEX_PATH`: Copies the generated $\LaTeX$ source code from the output folder and pastes it to the specified path.
-`--pdf-path PDF_PATH`: Copies the generated PDF file from the output folder and pastes it to the specified path.
-`--markdown-path MARKDOWN_PATH`: Copies the generated Markdown file from the output folder and pastes it to the specified path.
-`--html-path HTML_PATH`: Copies the generated HTML file from the output folder and pastes it to the specified path.
-`--png-path PNG_PATH`: Copies the generated PNG files from the output folder and pastes them to the specified path.
-`--dont-generate-markdown`: Prevents the generation of the Markdown file.
-`--dont-generate-html`: Prevents the generation of the HTML file.
-`--dont-generate-png`: Prevents the generation of the PNG files.
-`--ANY.LOCATION.IN.THE.YAML.FILE "VALUE"`: Overrides the value of `ANY.LOCATION.IN.THE.YAML.FILE` with `VALUE`. This option can be used to avoid storing sensitive information in the YAML file. Sensitive information, like phone numbers, can be passed as a command-line argument with environment variables. This method is also beneficial for creating multiple CVs using the same YAML file by changing only a few values.
- A new text alignment option has been added to `classic` and `sb2nov`: `justified-with-no-hyphenation` ([#34](https://github.com/sinaatalay/rendercv/issues/34))
- Users are now allowed to run local `lualatex`, `xelatex`, `latexmk` commands in addition to `pdflatex` ([#48](https://github.com/sinaatalay/rendercv/issues/48)).
### Changed
- Orcid is now displayed in the header like other social media links.
### Fixed
- Decoding issues have been fixed ([#29](https://github.com/sinaatalay/rendercv/issues/29)).
- Classic theme's `ExperienceEntry` has been fixed ([#49](https://github.com/sinaatalay/rendercv/issues/49)).
- RenderCV is now a $\LaTeX$ CV framework. Users can move their $\LaTeX$ CV themes to RenderCV to produce their CV from RenderCV's YAML input.
- RenderCV now generates Markdown and HTML versions of the CV to allow users to paste the content of the CV to another software (like [Grammarly](https://www.grammarly.com/)) for spell checking.
- The data model has been changed to be more flexible. All the sections are now under the `sections` field. All the keys are arbitrary and rendered as section titles. The entry types can be any of the six built-in entry types, and they will be detected by RenderCV for each section.
- TinyTeX has been moved to [another repository](https://github.com/sinaatalay/tinytex-release), and it is being pulled as a Git submodule. It is still pushed to PyPI, but it's not a part of the repository anymore.