RenderCV is a Python application that creates a $\LaTeX$ CV as a PDF from a JSON/YAML input file. Currently, it only supports one theme (*classic*). An example PDF can be seen [here]( More themes are planned to be supported in the future.
- Finally, it renders the $\LaTeX$ file to generate the PDF, and you don't need $\LaTeX$ installed on your PC because RenderCV comes with [TinyTeX](
1. Install [Python]( (3.10 or newer).
2. Run the command below to install RenderCV.
pip install rendercv
3. Run the command below to generate a sample input file (`Full_Name_CV.yaml`). The file will be generated in the current working directory.
rendercv new "Full Name"
4. Edit the contents of the `Full_Name_CV.yaml` file.
5. Run the command below to generate your $\LaTeX$ CV.
rendercv render Full_Name_CV.yaml
## Detailed User Guide and Documentation
A more detailed user guide can be found [here](
I documented the whole code with docstrings and used comments throughout the code. The code documentation can be found [here](