RenderCV is a Python application that creates a $\LaTeX$ CV as a PDF from a JSON/YAML input file. Currently, it only supports one theme (*classic*). An example can be seen [here]( More themes are planned to be supported in the future.
area: Mechanical Engineering, Student Exchange Program
location: Austin, TX, USA
start_date: "2021-08-01"
end_date: "2022-01-15"
- company: AmIACompany
position: Summer Intern
location: Istanbul, Turkey
start_date: "2022-06-15"
end_date: "2022-08-01"
- AmIACompany is a technology company that provides
web-based engineering applications that enable the
simulation and optimization of products and
manufacturing tools.
- Modeled and simulated a metal-forming process deep
drawing using finite element analysis with
open-source software called CalculiX.
- Then, it validates the input, such as checking if the dates are consistent, checking if the URLs are correct, giving a warning if there are any spelling mistakes, etc.
- Finally, it renders the $\LaTeX$ file to generate the PDF, and you don't need $\LaTeX$ installed on your PC because RenderCV comes with [TinyTeX](