46 lines
1.5 KiB
46 lines
1.5 KiB
# "cd" to the directory where this script is located
cd [file dirname [info script]]
create_project zcu_pulse_channel ../../prj -force
set_property board_part xilinx.com:zcu102:part0:3.4 [current_project]
add_files {..\..\src\hdl\modules\qlaser_dacs_pulse_channel.vhdl}
add_files -fileset sim_1 {..\..\src\hdl\tb\tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel.vhdl}
add_files {..\..\src\hdl\pkg\qlaser_dacs_pulse_channel_pkg.vhd}
add_files {..\..\src\hdl\pkg\qlaser_dac_dc_pkg.vhd}
add_files {..\..\src\hdl\pkg\qlaser_pkg.vhd}
add_files {..\..\src\hdl\pkg\iopakp.vhd}
add_files {..\..\src\hdl\pkg\iopakb.vhd}
read_ip {..\xilinx-zcu\bram_pulseposition\bram_pulseposition.xci}
read_ip {..\xilinx-zcu\bram_waveform\bram_waveform.xci}
read_ip {..\xilinx-zcu\fifo_data_to_stream\fifo_data_to_stream.xci}
read_ip {..\xilinx-zcu\bram_pulse_definition\bram_pulse_definition.xci}
# upgrade_ip [get_ips -filter {SCOPE !~ "*.bd"}]
generate_target all [get_ips -filter {SCOPE !~ "*.bd"}]
# Run the synthesis and generate the IP output products
launch_runs synth_1
# Wait for the synthesis to complete
wait_on_run synth_1
# Generate the simulation models
proc recursive_glob {dir} {
set files [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory $dir *_sim_netlist.vhdl]
foreach subdir [glob -nocomplain -type d -directory $dir *] {
lappend files {*}[recursive_glob $subdir]
return $files
set src_dir ../../prj/zcu_pulse_channel.gen/sources_1/ip/
set files [recursive_glob $src_dir]
foreach file $files {
file copy -force $file ../../src/hdl/ip_gen