# QLASER_PULSE_CHANNEL RAM tables for a single QLaser pulse channel. There are two tables, one defined the pulse shape and envelope, and another stores the waveform data. Do NOT "merge" any branches in this repository. The branches are used to keep track of the different versions of the project. ## Build and Run First, make sure Vivado is in PATH. Then, run the following commands to build the project: ```bash vivado -mode tcl -source tools/build_src/build.tcl ``` The build project will be in `prj` directory. If you modified the IP core, you need to close Vivado and run the above commands again. ## Simulate in ModelSim Make sure you have ModelSim in PATH. Also make sure you already compiled the project and Xilinx libraries in Vivado. Make sure the `modelsim.ini` file is in `tools/sim` directory Then, run the following commands to simulate the project: ```bash cd tools/sim modelsim -do run.do ``` #### Compile only (no simulation) ```bash cd tools/sim vsim -c -quiet -do compile.do ```