#!/bin/bash # Define the source file and target directory target_dir="$HOME/bin" # Check if $HOME/bin directory exists, if not, create it if [ ! -d "$target_dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$target_dir" echo "Created $target_dir" fi # check if chrome directory exist, if yes, delete it and then create it if [ -d "chrome" ]; then rm -rf "chrome" fi mkdir chrome cd chrome # Download Chrome curl -L -o chrome.rpm "https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm" rpm2cpio chrome.rpm | cpio -idv rm -rf chrome.rpm # correct permissions cd opt/google/chrome chmod +x google-chrome # Since we don't have sudo, modify a line of the Chromium backend to allow non-roots to run sed -i 's/\(exec -a "$0" "$HERE\/chrome"\)/\1 --no-sandbox --user-data-dir=\/tmp\/google-chrome\/$HOSTNAME$DISPLAY/' google-chrome # create shortcut to user's bin folder, which by default is already something in PATH, so that we can run it from anywhere # but first, check if the link already exists, if yes, delete it if [ -L "$target_dir/chrome" ]; then rm -rf "$target_dir/chrome" fi ln -s $PWD/google-chrome $target_dir/chrome # Make sure the linked one also has perm chmod +x $target_dir/chrome