from ui import Frame from threading import * from read_arduino import * from serial_plotter import * import os, json, wx, warnings import import numpy as np warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) HEIGHT = 800 WIDTH = 800 global ani def main(): #################### USER INPUTS ########################### # TODO: if there is already a setting.json exist, loads all inputs from there as 'default' resistors = [float(frame.r_ref_1.GetValue()), float(frame.r_ref_2.GetValue()), float(frame.r_ref_3.GetValue()), float(frame.r_ref_4.GetValue()), 0] # resisters for each An port, where n is an integer from 0-3. Use 0 if none. in Ohms input_voltage = float(frame.input_voltage.GetValue()) bit_rate = float(frame.adjusted_volt.GetValue()) port = frame.dev_list.GetValue() # typical window size: 480 window_size = int(frame.m_textCtrl26.GetValue()) #################### END USER INPUTS ######################## # filename, disable customize name but should inform the user the current name of the data file on the front end # alternatively, could be default input if no other input given. But if there is might have problem... dat_folder = "RecordedData" os.makedirs(dat_folder, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dat_folder, f"{'%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S')}.csv") delay = 1000 # millisec pe r data, defined in the firmware if not (len(resistors) == 5): raise ValueError(f"expecting 5 resistor values, but got {len(resistors)}!!!") gen_settings(resistors, input_voltage, bit_rate, port, filename, window_size, delay) return filename def gen_settings(resistors, input_voltage, bits, port, filename, window_size, delay): """ export all inputs from main() to a .json file """ name = "settings.json" settings = {} settings["refRes"] = resistors settings["sensor_ports"] = np.where(np.array(resistors) > 0)[0].tolist() settings["v_in"] = input_voltage settings["port"] = port settings["resolution"] = bits settings["winSize"] = window_size settings["file_name"] = filename settings["delay"] = delay open(name, 'w').write(json.dumps(settings, indent=4)) open(filename, "a", newline="", encoding="utf-8") def get_devices(): """ get all available devices connected, put them in the UI's dropdown menu """ ports = [comport.device for comport in] # get all available ports frame.dev_list.AppendItems(ports) def runPlot(e): global ani plotter = SerialPlotter() ani = plotter.plotting() def run(e): file = main() t1 = Thread(target=read, args=()) t1.setDaemon(True) t1.start() runPlot(e) frame.btLaunch.Enable(False) frame.plot_but.Enable(True) # this might have some problem ... what happen if user spamming the plot button? if not frame.show_msg.GetValue(): frame.Hide() if __name__ == '__main__': app = wx.App() frame = Frame(None) get_devices() frame.SetTitle("Cease your resistance! - alpha 0.1.1") frame.btLaunch.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, run) frame.plot_but.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, runPlot) # There is one problem with this approch: what happen if user spamming the plot button? if os.path.isfile("settings.json"): print("Found existing settings.json, auto-fill previous inputs!") settings = json.load(open('settings.json', 'r')) frame.r_ref_1.SetValue(str(settings["refRes"][0])) frame.r_ref_2.SetValue(str(settings["refRes"][1])) frame.r_ref_3.SetValue(str(settings["refRes"][2])) frame.r_ref_4.SetValue(str(settings["refRes"][3])) frame.input_voltage.SetValue(str(settings["v_in"])) frame.adjusted_volt.SetValue(str(settings["resolution"])) frame.m_textCtrl26.SetValue(str(settings["winSize"])) frame.Show() app.MainLoop()