Update nano_c_mk1.ino

This commit is contained in:
Eric Yu 2023-02-02 12:54:10 -08:00
parent ed850dea77
commit ecd19e582e

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#define ADS_MAX 4 // # of analog input pins of an ADS1115
#define VOLTAGE_RANGE 6.144f // ADS1115 default gain (+/- 6.144V). Change this number smaller will reduced its actual magnutude, and vice versa
#define CONST_I2C 32768 // a constant value
#define ADC1_ADDR 0x48 // Address (identifyer) for the first ADS1115 chip. We might gonna have up to four of those connected in one I2C line
#ifndef IRAM_ATTR
#define IRAM_ATTR
@ -29,9 +30,9 @@ volatile bool new_data = false; // "ready" flag for the ADS1115
void readData() {
// we only wanna grab/set data if the ADS is ready to
if (new_data) { // for some reason it treat the last index to the zeroths and everything else off by 1
if (new_data) { // TODO: for some reason some board get the channel index off
// save the value
adcReadings[channel == 0 ? ADS_MAX - 1 : channel - 1] = adc.getLastConversionResults(); // the lambda inside [] to set index to its correct position
adcReadings[channel] = adc.getLastConversionResults();
channel = (channel + 1) % ADS_MAX; // request next channel #. Cycle back to zero if the number is larger than ADS_MAX (maybe must multiple of 2)
adc.startADCReading(MUX_BY_CHANNEL[channel], true);
new_data = false; // toggle back the flag
@ -43,9 +44,8 @@ void IRAM_ATTR NewDataReadyISR() { // interrupt to make it read data
void setup() {
adc.begin(ADC1_ADDR, &Wire); // initialize one ADS1115 on approprate address
// "Ready" when on falling signal edge (negedge)
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(READY_PIN), NewDataReadyISR, FALLING);