modify tb
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.qlaser_pkg.all;
use work.qlaser_dacs_pulse_channel_pkg.all;
entity qlaser_dacs_pulse_channel is
port (
@ -39,26 +40,6 @@ end entity;
-- Single channel pulse generator with two RAMs
architecture channel of qlaser_dacs_pulse_channel is
-- Constants declearations
constant C_RAM_SELECT : integer := 11; -- Select bit for which RAM for CPU read/write
-- constant C_NUM_PULSE : integer := 16; -- Number of output data values from pulse RAM (16x24-bit)
constant C_START_TIME : integer := 24; -- Start time for pulse generation
constant C_BITS_ADDR_START : integer := 12; -- Number of bits for starting address
constant C_BITS_ADDR_LENGTH : integer := 10; -- Number of bits for length address used by an edge of a pulse
constant C_BITS_GAIN_FACTOR : integer := 16; -- Number of bits in gain table
constant C_BITS_TIME_FACTOR : integer := 16; -- Number of bits in time table
constant C_BITS_TIME_INT : integer := 14; -- Starting bit for time integer part of the time factor, counting from MSB
constant C_BITS_TIME_FRAC : integer := 5; -- Starting bit for time fractional part of the time factor, counting from MSB
constant C_BITS_ADDR_TOP : integer := 17; -- Number of bits for the "flat top", the top of the pulse
constant C_LENGTH_WAVEFORM : integer := 4096; -- Number of output data values from waveform RAM (4kx16-bit)
constant C_BITS_ADDR_WAVE : integer := 16; -- Number of bits in address for waveform RAM
constant C_BITS_ADDR_PULSE : integer := 10; -- Number of bits in address for pulse definition RAM
constant C_LEN_PULSE : integer := 2**C_BITS_ADDR_PULSE; -- Numbers of address for pulse definition RAM
constant C_PC_INCR : integer := 4; -- Width of pulse counter increment
-- Signal declarations for pulse RAM
signal ram_pulse_we : std_logic_vector( 0 downto 0); -- Write enable for pulse RAM
signal ram_pulse_addra : std_logic_vector( 9 downto 0); -- Address for pulse RAM
@ -445,6 +426,7 @@ begin
-- reset counters for transitions
cnt_wave_len <= (others=>'0');
cnt_wave_top <= (others=>'0');
-- TODO: toSara: do we need to consider the even of no flat top?
cnt_wave_len <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(cnt_wave_len) + 1);
ram_waveform_addrb <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(ram_waveform_addrb) + 1);
@ -509,5 +491,15 @@ begin
end case;
end if;
end process;
-- AXI-Stream output.
-- TBD: This should come from a FIFO
-- TODO: the bits are not correct, should be top bits (C_BITS_GAIN_FACTOR + 16 downto C_BITS_GAIN_FACTOR), but for now just make it this way so modelsim can simulate
-- TODO: apply scaling factor to the output
axis_tdata <= sm_wavedata; -- axi stream output data, this output should be multiplied by the gain factor, then take the top 16 bits
axis_tvalid <= sm_wavedata_dv; -- axi_stream output data valid
-- TBD : Generate in state machine?
axis_tlast <= '0'; -- axi_stream output last
end channel;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
-- Project : qlaser FPGA
-- File : qlaser_dacs_pulse_channel.vhd
-- Description : Pulse Channel package file specifying constants
-- Author : eyhc
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package qlaser_dacs_pulse_channel_pkg is
-- Constants declearations
constant C_RAM_SELECT : integer := 11; -- Select bit for which RAM for CPU read/write
-- constant C_NUM_PULSE : integer := 16; -- Number of output data values from pulse RAM (16x24-bit)
constant C_START_TIME : integer := 24; -- Start time for pulse generation
constant C_BITS_ADDR_START : integer := 12; -- Number of bits for starting address
constant C_BITS_ADDR_LENGTH : integer := 10; -- Number of bits for length address used by an edge of a pulse
constant C_BITS_GAIN_FACTOR : integer := 16; -- Number of bits in gain table
constant C_BITS_TIME_FACTOR : integer := 16; -- Number of bits in time table
constant C_BITS_TIME_INT : integer := 14; -- Starting bit for time integer part of the time factor, counting from MSB
constant C_BITS_TIME_FRAC : integer := 5; -- Starting bit for time fractional part of the time factor, counting from MSB
constant C_BITS_ADDR_TOP : integer := 17; -- Number of bits for the "flat top", the top of the pulse
constant C_LENGTH_WAVEFORM : integer := 4096; -- Number of output data values from waveform RAM (4kx16-bit)
constant C_BITS_ADDR_WAVE : integer := 16; -- Number of bits in address for waveform RAM
constant C_BITS_ADDR_PULSE : integer := 10; -- Number of bits in address for pulse definition RAM
constant C_LEN_PULSE : integer := 2**C_BITS_ADDR_PULSE; -- Numbers of address for pulse definition RAM
constant C_PC_INCR : integer := 4;
-- Width of pulse counter increment
end package qlaser_dacs_pulse_channel_pkg;
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use std.textio.all;
use work.std_iopak.all;
use work.qlaser_dacs_pulse_channel_pkg.all;
entity tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel is
@ -325,8 +326,17 @@ begin
-- Reset and drive CPU bus
pr_main : process
variable v_ndata32 : integer := 0;
variable v_ndata16 : integer := 0;
variable v_ndata32 : integer := 0;
variable v_ndata16 : integer := 0;
-- "global" variables for base definitions of each pulses, all pulses are based on these but scaled/offset a bit
variable v_pulsetime : integer := 0; -- For 24-bit pulse time
variable v_timefactor : real := 0.0; -- For 16-bit fixed point timestep
variable v_gainfactor : real := 0.0; -- For 16-bit fixed point gain
variable v_wavestartaddr : integer := 0; -- For 12-bit address i.e. 1024 point waveform RAM
variable v_wavesteps : integer := 0; -- For 10-bit number of steps i.e. 0 = 1 step, X"3FF" = 1024 points
variable v_wavetopwidth : integer := 0; -- For 17-bit number of clock cycles in top of waveform
-- Reset
reset <= '1';
@ -356,7 +366,15 @@ begin
v_ndata32 := 128; -- Time for first pulse
cpu_print_msg("Load pulse RAM");
for NADDR in 0 to 255 loop
cpu_write_pulsedef(clk, NADDR*4, v_ndata32 + (NADDR*(1024+32)), 1.0, 1.0, 0, NADDR*32, 128, cpu_sel, cpu_wr, cpu_addr, cpu_wdata);
-- TODO: In the real setting should we have the python script to check those parameters to make sure they are valid and non-overlapping?
v_pulsetime := v_ndata32 + (NADDR*(1024+32));
v_timefactor := 1.0;
v_gainfactor := 1.0;
v_wavestartaddr := 0;
v_wavesteps := (NADDR+1)*32;
v_wavetopwidth := 0; -- TODO: EricToGeoff/Sara: in the real settings do we have a case of no flat top?
-- cpu_write_pulsedef(clk, NADDR*4, v_ndata32 + (NADDR*(1024+32)), 1.0, 1.0, 0, NADDR*32, 128, cpu_sel, cpu_wr, cpu_addr, cpu_wdata);
cpu_write_pulsedef(clk, NADDR*4, v_pulsetime, v_timefactor, v_gainfactor, v_wavestartaddr, v_wavesteps, v_wavetopwidth, cpu_sel, cpu_wr, cpu_addr, cpu_wdata);
end loop;
cpu_print_msg("Pulse RAM loaded");
@ -368,36 +386,42 @@ begin
cpu_print_msg("Load waveform RAM");
v_ndata16 := 1; -- first waveform value
for NADDR in 0 to 2047 loop
v_ndata32 := (((v_ndata16+1) * 65536) + v_ndata16);
v_ndata32 := (((v_ndata16) * 2**C_BITS_ADDR_WAVE) + (v_ndata16 - 1)); -- Write two 16-bit values with each write
cpu_write(clk, (ADR_RAM_WAVE + NADDR) , v_ndata32, cpu_sel, cpu_wr, cpu_addr, cpu_wdata);
v_ndata16 := v_ndata16 + 2;
end loop;
cpu_print_msg("Waveform RAM loaded");
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Read back Pulse RAM.
-- -- Comment out if not needed to check CPU R/W
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- v_ndata32 := 128; -- Time for first pulse
-- for NADDR in 0 to 255 loop
-- v_pulsetime := v_ndata32 + (NADDR*(1024+32));
-- v_timefactor := 1.0;
-- v_gainfactor := 1.0;
-- v_wavestartaddr := 0;
-- v_wavesteps := NADDR*32;
-- v_wavetopwidth := 0;
-- cpu_read_pulsedef(clk, NADDR*4, v_pulsetime, v_timefactor, v_gainfactor, v_wavestartaddr, v_wavesteps, v_wavetopwidth, cpu_sel, cpu_wr, cpu_addr, cpu_wdata);
-- end loop;
-- clk_delay(20);
-- Read back Pulse RAM.
v_ndata32 := 128; -- Time for first pulse
for NADDR in 0 to 255 loop
cpu_read_pulsedef(clk, NADDR*4, v_ndata32 + (NADDR*(1024+32)), 1.0, 1.0, 0, NADDR*32, 128, cpu_sel, cpu_wr, cpu_addr, cpu_wdata);
end loop;
-- Read back Waveform RAM
v_ndata16 := 1; -- first waveform value
for NADDR in 0 to 2047 loop
v_ndata32 := (((v_ndata16+1) * 65536) + v_ndata16);
cpu_read (clk, ADR_RAM_WAVE + NADDR , std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(v_ndata32, 32)) , cpu_sel, cpu_wr, cpu_addr, cpu_wdata, cpu_rdata, cpu_rdata_dv);
v_ndata16 := v_ndata16 + 2;
end loop;
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Read back Waveform RAM
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- v_ndata16 := 1; -- first waveform value
-- for NADDR in 0 to 2047 loop
-- v_ndata32 := (((v_ndata16) * 2**C_BITS_ADDR_WAVE) + (v_ndata16 - 1));
-- cpu_read (clk, ADR_RAM_WAVE + NADDR , std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(v_ndata32, 32)) , cpu_sel, cpu_wr, cpu_addr, cpu_wdata, cpu_rdata, cpu_rdata_dv);
-- v_ndata16 := v_ndata16 + 2;
-- end loop;
-- Done reg write/read check
cpu_print_msg("RAM readback completed");
-- -- Done reg write/read check
-- cpu_print_msg("RAM readback completed");
-- clk_delay(20);
@ -409,7 +433,7 @@ begin
start <= '0';
-- Wait for cnt_time to reach last pulse start time + waveform size
for NCNT in 1 to (128 + 16*(1024+32)+ 1024) loop
for NCNT in 1 to (128 + 256*(1024+32)+ 4096) loop -- TODO: EricToGeoff/Sara: in the real settings do we have a constant amount of time or the total time also vary? if so, how much?
cnt_time <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(cnt_time) + 1);
end loop;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ do
vsim -voptargs="+acc" -lib work tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel
do waves_do/
do waves_do/
view wave
view structure
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Current time Mon Jan 15 15:15:21 2024
# ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition Stack Trace
# Program = vsim
# Id = "10.5b"
# Version = "2016.10"
# Date = "Oct 5 2016"
# Platform = win32pe
# Signature = a4da31216fa3031746f0a74423efc007
# 0 0x004d3b4a: '<unknown (@0x4d3b4a)>'
# End of Stack Trace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
onerror {resume}
quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/clk
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/reset
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/busy
add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/cnt_time
add wave -noupdate -radix binary /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/cpu_addr
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/cpu_wdata
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/cpu_wr
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/cpu_sel
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/cpu_rdata
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/cpu_rdata_dv
add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_pulse_addra
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_pulse_dina
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_pulse_douta
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_pulse_we
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/sm_state
add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/pc
add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_pulse_addrb
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_pulse_doutb
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/reg_pulse_time
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/reg_pulse_sizes
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/reg_pulse_factors
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/reg_pulse_flattop
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_waveform_wea
add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_waveform_addra
add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_waveform_dina
add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_waveform_douta
add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_waveform_addrb
add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/ram_waveform_doutb
add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/sm_wavedata
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/sm_wavedata_dv
add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/axis_tdata
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/axis_tvalid
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/axis_tlast
add wave -noupdate /tb_cpubus_dacs_pulse_channel/u_dac_pulse/axis_tready
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {468198791399 fs} 0}
quietly wave cursor active 1
configure wave -namecolwidth 163
configure wave -valuecolwidth 99
configure wave -justifyvalue left
configure wave -signalnamewidth 1
configure wave -snapdistance 10
configure wave -datasetprefix 0
configure wave -rowmargin 4
configure wave -childrowmargin 2
configure wave -gridoffset 0
configure wave -gridperiod 1
configure wave -griddelta 40
configure wave -timeline 0
configure wave -timelineunits fs
WaveRestoreZoom {468135557347 fs} {468308654877 fs}
Reference in New Issue
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