431 lines
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431 lines
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from dataclasses import dataclass
import magpylib as magpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random
import json
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import concurrent.futures
class AqpBookerParameters:
Contains the default parameters for QT3 atomic quantum processor magnet geometry
Base units for magpylib are millimeters, milliteslas, degrees, and Amperes
# assume x, y, z coils are all round, may consider racetrack coil later
# assume x and y axis coils are symmetric with respect to the sample center, current has same magnitude, in the opposite direction
# assume z axis coil are not symmetric
# shape of the coils, can be 'round' or 'racetrack'
# race track means the coil is a rectangle with rounded corners
# x, y and z can be 0, which means the coil is round with r "radius"
# x/y/z
# ___________ radius
# ◜ ◝
# | |
# | |
# x/y/z | |
# | |
# | |
# | |
# ◟___________◞
x_axis_coil_y_length: float = 0
x_axis_coil_z_length: float = 60
x_axis_coil_corner_radius: float = 18
x_axis_coil_winding_number: int = 200
x_axis_coil_current_a: float = -1.5
x_axis_coil_current_b: float = 1.5
x_axis_coil_center_a: tuple = (38, 0, 0)
x_axis_coil_center_b: tuple = (-38, 0, 0)
y_axis_coil_x_length: float = 0
y_axis_coil_z_length: float = 60
y_axis_coil_corner_radius: float = 18
y_axis_coil_winding_number: int = 200
y_axis_coil_current_a: float = -1.5
y_axis_coil_current_b: float = 1.5
y_axis_coil_center_a: tuple = (0, 38, 0)
y_axis_coil_center_b: tuple = (0, -38, 0)
# z axis coil not used for 2D MOT
z_axis_coil_x_length: float = 27
z_axis_coil_y_length: float = 27
z_axis_coil_corner_radius: float = 10
z_axis_coil_winding_number: int = 1
z_axis_coil_current_a: float = -1*0
z_axis_coil_current_b: float = 0
z_axis_coil_center_a: tuple = (0, 0, 80)
z_axis_coil_center_b: tuple = (0, 0, -80)
sample_center: tuple = (0, 0, 0)
x_wire_length: float = ((x_axis_coil_y_length + x_axis_coil_z_length)*2 + x_axis_coil_corner_radius*2*np.pi) * x_axis_coil_winding_number /1000 # meters
y_wire_length: float = ((y_axis_coil_x_length + y_axis_coil_z_length)*2 + y_axis_coil_corner_radius*2*np.pi) * y_axis_coil_winding_number /1000 # meters
z_wire_length: float = ((z_axis_coil_x_length + z_axis_coil_y_length)*2 + z_axis_coil_corner_radius*2*np.pi) * z_axis_coil_winding_number /1000 # meters
wire_selection: int = 24 # AWG
wire_diameter: float = 0.127 * (92 ** ((36 - wire_selection)/39)) # mm
# R = rho * L / A
x_wire_resistance: float = (1.7241*10**(-8)) * x_wire_length / (np.pi*((wire_diameter/2/1000) ** 2)) # ohm
y_wire_resistance: float = (1.7241*10**(-8)) * y_wire_length / (np.pi*((wire_diameter/2/1000) ** 2)) # ohm
z_wire_resistance: float = (1.7241*10**(-8)) * z_wire_length / (np.pi*((wire_diameter/2/1000) ** 2)) # ohm
wire_weight: float = x_wire_length * np.pi * ((wire_diameter/2000) ** 2) * 8941
# winding_layer_number: int = 3
# x_axis_coil_thickness: float = x_axis_coil_winding_number * wire_diameter / winding_layer_number
# y_axis_coil_thickness: float = y_axis_coil_winding_number * wire_diameter / winding_layer_number
# z_axis_coil_thickness: float = z_axis_coil_winding_number * wire_diameter / winding_layer_number
# using fixed thickness
x_axis_coil_thickness: float = 20
y_axis_coil_thickness: float = 20
z_axis_coil_thickness: float = 20
position_tolerance: float = 1 # mm
angle_tolerance: float = 1 # degree
def get_default_aqp_parameters():
p = AqpBookerParameters()
return p
def build_magpy_collection(p: AqpBookerParameters = get_default_aqp_parameters()) -> magpy.Collection:
# assume the coils are all rounds.
x_axis_coll = magpy.Collection()
y_axis_coll = magpy.Collection()
z_axis_coll = magpy.Collection()
# field_sensor = magpy.Sensor(position=p.sample_center, style_label='field_sensor')
# coll = magpy.Collection(x_axis_coll, y_axis_coll, z_axis_coll, field_sensor)
# coll = magpy.Collection(x_axis_coll, y_axis_coll, z_axis_coll)
coll = magpy.Collection(x_axis_coll, y_axis_coll)
# sample_number = 1000
# ts = np.linspace(-1 * p.x_axis_coil_winding_number/2, p.x_axis_coil_winding_number/2, sample_number)
x_vertices = shape_racetrack(p.x_axis_coil_winding_number, p.x_axis_coil_corner_radius, p.x_axis_coil_y_length, p.x_axis_coil_z_length, p.x_axis_coil_thickness)
x_axis_coil_a = magpy.current.Line(current=p.x_axis_coil_current_a, vertices=x_vertices, position=p.x_axis_coil_center_a, style_label='x_axis_coil_a', style_color = 'r')
x_axis_coil_b = magpy.current.Line(current=p.x_axis_coil_current_b, vertices=x_vertices, position=p.x_axis_coil_center_b, style_label='x_axis_coil_b', style_color = 'g')
x_axis_coil_a.rotate_from_angax(90, 'y')
x_axis_coil_b.rotate_from_angax(90, 'y')
x_axis_coil_a.rotate_from_angax(90, 'x')
x_axis_coil_b.rotate_from_angax(90, 'x')
x_axis_coll.add(x_axis_coil_a, x_axis_coil_b)
# y_axis_coil_a = magpy.current.Loop(current = p.y_axis_coil_current_a, diameter=p.y_axis_coil_diameter_a,\
# position= p.y_axis_coil_center_a, style_label='y_axis_coil_a')
# y_axis_coil_b = magpy.current.Loop(current = p.y_axis_coil_current_b, diameter=p.y_axis_coil_diameter_b,\
# position= p.y_axis_coil_center_b, style_label='y_axis_coil_b')
y_vertices = shape_racetrack(p.y_axis_coil_winding_number, p.y_axis_coil_corner_radius, p.y_axis_coil_x_length, p.y_axis_coil_z_length, p.y_axis_coil_thickness)
y_axis_coil_a = magpy.current.Line(current=p.y_axis_coil_current_a, vertices=y_vertices, position=p.y_axis_coil_center_a, style_label='y_axis_coil_a', style_color='b')
y_axis_coil_b = magpy.current.Line(current=p.y_axis_coil_current_b, vertices=y_vertices, position=p.y_axis_coil_center_b, style_label='y_axis_coil_b', style_color='y')
y_axis_coil_a.rotate_from_angax(90, 'x')
y_axis_coil_b.rotate_from_angax(90, 'x')
y_axis_coll.add(y_axis_coil_a, y_axis_coil_b)
# z_axis_coil_a = magpy.current.Loop(current = p.z_axis_coil_current_a, diameter=p.z_axis_coil_diameter_a,\
# position= p.z_axis_coil_center_a, style_label='z_axis_coil_a')
# z_axis_coil_b = magpy.current.Loop(current = p.z_axis_coil_current_b, diameter=p.z_axis_coil_diameter_b,\
# position= p.z_axis_coil_center_b, style_label='z_axis_coil_b')
# z_vertices = shape_racetrack(p.z_axis_coil_winding_number, p.z_axis_coil_corner_radius, p.z_axis_coil_x_length, p.z_axis_coil_y_length, p.z_axis_coil_thickness)
# z_axis_coil_a = magpy.current.Line(current=p.z_axis_coil_current_a, vertices=z_vertices, position=p.z_axis_coil_center_a, style_label='z_axis_coil_a', style_color='m')
# z_axis_coil_b = magpy.current.Line(current=p.z_axis_coil_current_b, vertices=z_vertices, position=p.z_axis_coil_center_b, style_label='z_axis_coil_b', style_color='c')
# z_axis_coil_a.rotate_from_angax(90, 'z')
# z_axis_coil_b.rotate_from_angax(90, 'z')
# z_axis_coll.add(z_axis_coil_a, z_axis_coil_b)
return coll
def simulate_mag_field(p: AqpBookerParameters = get_default_aqp_parameters()):
coll = build_magpy_collection(p)
# field_sensor = coll.sensors[0]
print("x direction gradient is", get_gradient(coll, np.asarray(p.sample_center), 'x'))
print("y direction gradient is", get_gradient(coll, np.asarray(p.sample_center), 'y'))
print("z direction gradient is", get_gradient(coll, np.asarray(p.sample_center), 'z'))
image = magpy.show(coll)
def shape_racetrack(winding_number, corner_radius, edge_1_length, edge_2_length, coil_thickness) -> np.ndarray:
sample_number = 10000
ts = np.linspace(-1 * winding_number/2, winding_number/2, sample_number)
thick = np.linspace(-1 * coil_thickness/2, coil_thickness/2, sample_number)
vertices = np.c_[corner_radius*np.cos(ts*2*np.pi), corner_radius*np.sin(ts*2*np.pi), thick]
for i in range(len(vertices)):
if (np.cos(ts[i] * 2 * np.pi) >= 0 and np.sin(ts[i] * 2 * np.pi) >= 0):
vertices[i][0] += edge_1_length/2
vertices[i][1] += edge_2_length/2
elif (np.cos(ts[i] * 2 * np.pi) < 0 and np.sin(ts[i] * 2 * np.pi) >= 0):
vertices[i][0] -= edge_1_length/2
vertices[i][1] += edge_2_length/2
elif (np.cos(ts[i] * 2 * np.pi) < 0 and np.sin(ts[i] * 2 * np.pi) < 0):
vertices[i][0] -= edge_1_length/2
vertices[i][1] -= edge_2_length/2
elif (np.cos(ts[i] * 2 * np.pi) >= 0 and np.sin(ts[i] * 2 * np.pi) < 0):
vertices[i][0] += edge_1_length/2
vertices[i][1] -= edge_2_length/2
vertices = np.append(vertices, [[vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1], vertices[-1][2]]], axis=0)
# print(vertices)
return vertices
def get_gradient(coll: magpy.Collection, location: np.ndarray, direction="xyz"):
diff = 0.001 # mm
B0 = coll.getB(location)
if direction == "xyz":
B1 = coll.getB(location + np.array([diff, 0, 0]))
x_gradient = (B1[0] - B0[0])/diff # mT/mm
B1 = coll.getB(location + np.array([0, diff, 0]))
y_gradient = (B1[1] - B0[1])/diff
B1 = coll.getB(location + np.array([0, 0, diff]))
z_gradient = (B1[2] - B0[2])/diff
gradient = np.array([x_gradient/100, y_gradient/100, z_gradient/100])
if direction == 'x':
B1 = coll.getB(location + np.array([diff, 0, 0]))
gradient = (B1[0] - B0[0])/diff # mT/mm
elif direction == 'y':
B1 = coll.getB(location + np.array([0, diff, 0]))
gradient = (B1[1] - B0[1])/diff
elif direction == 'z':
B1 = coll.getB(location + np.array([0, 0, diff]))
gradient = (B1[2] - B0[2])/diff
raise ValueError("direction must be one of 'x', 'y', 'z'")
gradient = gradient * 100 # convert to G/cm
if B0 is None or B1 is None:
raise ValueError("B0 or B1 is None")
return gradient
def heat_generation(p: AqpBookerParameters = get_default_aqp_parameters()):
# heat map for winding number and current
winding_min = 50
winding_max = 300
current_min = 1
current_max = 3
sample_points = 50
winding_number = np.linspace(winding_min, winding_max, sample_points)
current = np.linspace(current_min, current_max, sample_points)
data = np.zeros((len(winding_number), len(current)))
data_heat = np.zeros((len(winding_number), len(current)))
for i in range(len(winding_number)):
for j in range(len(current)):
print("calculating: ", i, ", ", j)
p.x_axis_coil_winding_number = winding_number[i]
p.y_axis_coil_winding_number = winding_number[i]
p.x_axis_coil_current_a = -1 * current[j]
p.x_axis_coil_current_b = current[j]
p.y_axis_coil_current_a = -1 * current[j]
p.y_axis_coil_current_b = current[j]
coll = build_magpy_collection(p)
data[i][j] = get_gradient(coll, np.asarray(p.sample_center), 'x')
if np.abs(data[i][j]) > 15:
x_heat_production = p.x_wire_resistance * p.x_axis_coil_current_a**2
wire_weight = p.wire_weight
delta_temp = x_heat_production * 1 / 0.385 / (wire_weight * 1000)
data_heat[i][j] = delta_temp
# export the data to csv
np.savetxt("data.csv", data, delimiter=",")
np.savetxt("data_heat.csv", data_heat, delimiter=",")
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(data, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest', extent=[current_min, current_max, winding_max, winding_min], aspect='auto')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(data_heat, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest', extent=[current_min, current_max, winding_max, winding_min], aspect='auto')
def B_field_plot(p: AqpBookerParameters = get_default_aqp_parameters(), coll: magpy.Collection = None):
if coll is None:
coll = build_magpy_collection(p)
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1)
# plot along x axis
x_axis_field = []
for i in np.linspace(-1 * p.z_axis_coil_x_length/2, 1*p.z_axis_coil_x_length/2, 100):
B = coll.getB((i, p.x_axis_coil_center_a[1], p.x_axis_coil_center_a[2]))
ax1.plot(np.linspace(-1 * p.z_axis_coil_x_length/2, 1*p.z_axis_coil_x_length/2, 100), x_axis_field)
ax1.set_xlabel('x (mm)')
ax1.set_ylabel('B (mT)')
ax1.set_title('B field along x axis')
# plot along y axis
y_axis_field = []
for i in np.linspace(-1 * p.z_axis_coil_y_length/2, 1* p.z_axis_coil_y_length/2, 100):
B = coll.getB((p.y_axis_coil_center_a[0], i, p.y_axis_coil_center_a[2]))
ax2.plot(np.linspace(-1 * p.z_axis_coil_y_length/2, 1*p.z_axis_coil_y_length/2, 100), y_axis_field)
ax2.set_xlabel('y (mm)')
ax2.set_ylabel('B (mT)')
ax2.set_title('B field along y axis')
# plot along z axis
z_axis_field = []
for i in np.linspace(-1 * p.x_axis_coil_z_length/2, 1*p.x_axis_coil_z_length/2, 100):
B = coll.getB((p.z_axis_coil_center_a[0], p.z_axis_coil_center_a[1], i))
ax3.plot(np.linspace(-1 * p.x_axis_coil_z_length/2, 1*p.x_axis_coil_z_length/2, 100), z_axis_field)
ax3.set_xlabel('z (mm)')
ax3.set_ylabel('B (mT)')
ax3.set_title('B field along z axis')
def resistance_sim(p:AqpBookerParameters = get_default_aqp_parameters()):
print("coil diameter is", p.wire_diameter, "mm")
print("coil thickness is", p.x_axis_coil_thickness, "mm")
print("x coil resistance is", p.x_wire_resistance, "ohm")
print("y coil resistance is", p.y_wire_resistance, "ohm")
print("z coil resistance is", p.z_wire_resistance, "ohm")
print("x coil wire length is", p.x_wire_length, "m")
def heat_sim(p:AqpBookerParameters = get_default_aqp_parameters()):
x_heat_production = p.x_wire_resistance * p.x_axis_coil_current_a**2
print("Each x coil heat production is", p.x_wire_resistance * p.x_axis_coil_current_a**2, "W")
print("Each y coil heat production is", p.y_wire_resistance * p.y_axis_coil_current_a**2, "W")
# print("z coil heat production is", p.z_wire_resistance * p.z_axis_coil_current_a**2, "W")
wire_weight = p.x_wire_length * np.pi * ((p.wire_diameter/2000) ** 2) * 8941 # kg
print("x coil wire weight is", wire_weight, "kg")
delta_temp = x_heat_production * 1 / 0.385 / (wire_weight * 1000) # assume only 1 second on time
print("x coil temperature rise is", delta_temp, "K")
def find_lowest_heat_gen(p:AqpBookerParameters = get_default_aqp_parameters()):
winding_min = 50
winding_max = 300
current_min = 0.5
current_max = 3.0
sample_points = 50
gradient_limit = 18 # G/cm
winding_number = np.linspace(winding_min, winding_max, sample_points, dtype=int)
current = np.linspace(current_min, current_max, sample_points)
gradient_list = []
for i in range(len(winding_number)):
for j in range(len(current)):
print("calculating: ", winding_number[i], " windings, ", current[j], " A\n")
p.x_axis_coil_winding_number = winding_number[i]
p.y_axis_coil_winding_number = winding_number[i]
p.x_axis_coil_current_a = -1 * current[j]
p.x_axis_coil_current_b = current[j]
p.y_axis_coil_current_a = -1 * current[j]
p.y_axis_coil_current_b = current[j]
coll = build_magpy_collection(p)
gradient = get_gradient(coll, np.asarray(p.sample_center), 'x')
if np.abs(gradient) > gradient_limit:
x_heat_production = p.x_wire_resistance * p.x_axis_coil_current_a**2
gradient_list.append([winding_number[i], current[j], gradient, x_heat_production])
# export the data to csv
np.savetxt("gradient_list_24awg.csv", gradient_list, delimiter=",")
def find_min_B_field(coll: magpy.Collection):
search_range = [-1,1]
sample_number = 51
x_min = 999
y_min = 999
z_min = 999
x_min_location = (0,0,0)
y_min_location = (0,0,0)
z_min_location = (0,0,0)
for i in np.linspace(search_range[0], search_range[1], sample_number):
for j in np.linspace(search_range[0], search_range[1], sample_number):
for k in np.linspace(search_range[0], search_range[1], sample_number):
B = coll.getB((i, j, k))
if np.abs(B[0]) < np.abs(x_min):
x_min = B[0]
x_min_location = (i, j, k)
if np.abs(B[1]) < np.abs(y_min):
y_min = B[1]
y_min_location = (i, j, k)
if np.abs(B[2]) < np.abs(z_min):
z_min = B[2]
z_min_location = (i, j, k)
print("x min is", x_min, "at", x_min_location)
print("y min is", y_min, "at", y_min_location)
print("z min is", z_min, "at", z_min_location)
return {"x_min": x_min, "y_min": y_min, "z_min": z_min, "x_min_location": x_min_location, "y_min_location": y_min_location, "z_min_location": z_min_location}
def run_simulation(iteration, p:AqpBookerParameters = get_default_aqp_parameters()):
direction_1 = random.choice(['x', 'y', 'z'])
direction_2 = random.choice(['x', 'y', 'z'])
direction_3 = random.choice(['x', 'y', 'z'])
direction_4 = random.choice(['x', 'y', 'z'])
side_1 = random.choice([-1, 1])
side_2 = random.choice([-1, 1])
coll = build_magpy_collection(p)
coll.children[0][0].rotate_from_angax(p.angle_tolerance, direction_1)
coll.children[0][1].rotate_from_angax(side_1*p.angle_tolerance, direction_2)
coll.children[1][0].rotate_from_angax(p.angle_tolerance, direction_3)
coll.children[1][1].rotate_from_angax(side_1*p.angle_tolerance, direction_4)
result = find_min_B_field(coll)
return {
"iteration": iteration,
"directions": [direction_1, direction_2, direction_3, direction_4],
"sides": [side_1, side_2],
"result": result
def error_sim_parallel(p:AqpBookerParameters = get_default_aqp_parameters()):
iterations = 10
results = []
with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(run_simulation, i, p) for i in range(iterations)]
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
# Write results to file
with open("error_sim_result.txt", "w") as f:
for result in results:
f.write(json.dumps(result) + "\n")
print("Simulation completed.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# resistance_sim()
# heat_sim()
# simulate_mag_field()
# heat_generation()
# B_field_plot()
# find_lowest_heat_gen()